smart and final weekly ad tulare ca Comprehend the fine print - One coupon for each client implies you can just utilize one coupon, paying little mind to what number of things you buy, or what number of exchanges you experience. Be that as it may, do you have other "clients" in your crew? One coupon for every exchange implies you can just utilize one coupon for each installment.
Check with your store for their favored technique for permitting you to make numerous exchanges to duplicate investment funds. Regularly, you can make numerous exchanges amid one visit to the checkout counter. One coupon for each buy implies you can just utilize one coupon for each thing. An individual thing is a buy, not your whole shopping basket, and not all that matters you ring up in one exchange.
In the event that you purchase two containers of cleanser and have two "one coupon for each buy" coupons, you can utilize one on every jug of cleanser; each of which is a solitary buy. Not to be joined with some other offer means some other "offer" from that substance. For this situation, you wouldn't have the capacity to stack a maker coupon with a producer refund.
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